Minggu, 27 Mei 2012

cekik aja aku

....eh anjing!!!....
*teriak sama anjing yang lewat depan kosan 
mendiing langsung nyari objeknya aja daripada sumpah serapah nama hewan keluar dari mulut ku gara2 kamu!!!
ya KAMU! eh maap bukan km yang di seberang sana lagi depan lepi atau kompi,tp kamu disana yang suka nyuruh2 SAYAAA T.T
aku capek sumpah,nama kerennya "elbe" kepanjanganx Lelah batin (kerenkan singaktanku?)iya kan?
jawab aja IYA deh.
g suka aja gitu orang yang masih jelas-jelas bisa ngelakuin sendiri tapi masih nyuruh-nyuruh orang.
rasa nya pengen ngelus dada kamu sendiri kalo udah kumat sifatmu itu.
g tau deh cara kritik kamu itu gimana.ngebayangin kamu yang kemana2 bawa kotak kritik dan saran di atas kepala,feelingku tuh kotak udah penuh gara2 orang pada rebutan pengen ngritik sifatmu itu.
cuma bisa angkat tangan tinggi2 deh doa sama gusti Allah moga kamu yg di sana cepet sadar sama sifatmu itu, karena bukan aku aja yg mulai gerah tapi seluruh orang di dunia mulai gerah,ya ..gerah gara2 pemanasan bumi atau bahasa gaholx global warming *loh ? 
serius..serius..orang-orang di sekitarmu mulai gerah sama sifatmu.


seseorang yang sedang di kuasai oleh amarah

Rabu, 16 Mei 2012

Kangen "lagi"

saat yang paling berat buat anak rantauan itu ya liburan, long weekend but just stay at boarding house! rasanya "huft" banget :(
makin perih baca status bbm+twitternya temen2 yang ngomong kalo mereka lagi di rumah bisa makan masakan nyokap,ah really2 want to cry, ini galau segalau2nya yg aku rasain T.T
aku kangen rumah
aku kangen ibu,ayah,sodara2
aku kangen pantai, suara ombaknya , wangi air laut
aku kangen sahabat2ku
aku kangen suasana yang ga rame tapi ya g sepi bgt
miss all of that
i miss you so Bima, my lovely hometown :')

Kamis, 10 Mei 2012

saat ada 10 alsan buat sebel sm kamu,d saat yg sama aq nemuin 1000 alsn buat kmbali sayang sm kamu....
-Mr. Adit-

Rabu, 09 Mei 2012

dear all..
I find some question from my friend blog's
I just try to answer to waste my time cause i'm so bored now.lalala
let's cekidot :p

1. Where is your cell phone: front of me. where I go he always beside me >,<
2. Your hair: Short,black and straight hair. i'm missing my long hair fufufu T.T
3. Your favorite food: everything that's spicy :p
4. Your dream from last night: I didn't remember :o
5. Your favorite drink:  ice milk , milk coffe and WATER
6. Your dream/goal: become a succes entrepreneur, a super mom,a wife who always loved by her hubby,have a boutiqoe. Amiiiin ya Rabb
7. What room are you in: my lovely bedroom
8. What are your hobbies: dreaming! yess I'm a smart dreamer :D
9. What is your fear: I can't make my mommy and dady happy and proud of me :((((
10. Where do you want to be in 6 years: a bautiful place (beach,i love beach very much) with my hubby and my parents' house or my parent in law's house to drop my kid because i will go to my 2nd honeymoon 
 (I begin to dream wkakaka) 
11. Where were you last night: XXI pakowon city to saw "the Avengers". that's a cool movie
12. Something you are not:  silent :/ except when i'm sleeping
13. Muffins: brownies
14. Wish list items:  a white watch and the others. i  forget bout the things which I very want 

15. Where did you grow up: Bima NTB and Surabaya Jawa Timur
16. Last thing you did: drank my coffee late yummyy
17. What are you wearing:  a babydoll -.-"
18. Your TV: my red tv (don't mention merk :p )
19. Your pets: i dream to  have a beautiful cat, but nothing -___-
20. Your friends: so many are crazy, care, love, talk-active.
21. Your favorite store: Gosh, n.y.l.a , magnolia etc
22. Your favorite color: VIOLET, electric blue, peach, brown,black and maroon
23. Your Life: wonderful with all people who caring  and loving me
24. Your mood:  i'm a moody,my mood can change in a few second :p
25. Vehicle: my mio black <3
26. Something You're Not Wearing:  i dont know, nothing in my mind
27. When is the Last Time You Cried: several days ago when me and my dear had been talking 
bout our family. i miss my parents so muchhhhh
28. When is the Last Time You Laughed: just now :o
29. Your Best Friends: Tiwi, aish,ulfa etc who can't I mention :p
30. One Person Who Emails Me Regularly: my classmate to share our tasks

hualaaaa happy 7th month dear 

Minggu, 06 Mei 2012

K'nurul wedding's :)


the king and queen..looks so beautiful

me and my sisters

my sister, k'ias,k'ika, nabila and me

with grandmom